4a. PRESENTE SIMPLE DEL VERBO “TO HAVE” (TO HAVE, SIMPLE PRESENT, Tema 33, desde la página 214 a la página 217)

4a) Añadid la forma del presente del verbo TO HAVE (33.1, página 214).

4a) Añadid la forma del presente del verbo TO HAVE (33.1, página 214).

1. My mother .......... a dog.
2. I ......... a cat.
3. Ringo .......... a guitar.
4. We .......... a bicycle.
5. You ..... ..... a girlfriend.
6. He ..... ..... a ball.
7. They .... ...... a lot of books.
8. Rose .... ...... a big house.
9. John and Paul .... ...... a beautiful garden.
10. Selma and I .... ...... a lot of clothes.
11. Will and you ... ....... a red car.
12. I ... ...... a lot of books.
13. The house .... ..... 7 bedrooms.
14. It .... ...... a garden.
15. The gardens .. ....... a lot of flowers.
16. My sister .... ...... a brown bag.
17. My mother .... ...... two black bags.
18. Jennifer and I .... ....... little money.
19. You and your father ... . ....... a lot of money.