39zzzi. VERBOS FRASALES. PHRASAL VERBS (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39zzzi. Choose the right verb to complete the phrasal verb: jump, put, set, speak, speed, take, turn(Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39zzzi. Choose the right verb to complete the phrasal verb: jump, put, set, speak, speed, take, turn(Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. We have out above our complaints procedure
2. The US supreme court will up the issue of same-sex marriage for the first time
3. A victory for the pragmatists may help them to up the reforms
4. They are bound to on a few pounds
5. Soukaina and Omar on their bikes
6. When Miss Bendib the light on, there was no one to be seen
7. This was said so low as to be virtually inaudible. up, child