39zzzg. VERBOS FRASALES. PHRASAL VERBS (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39zzzg. Choose the right verb to complete the phrasal verb: jump, put, set, speed, switch, take, turn (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39zzzg. Choose the right verb to complete the phrasal verb: jump, put, set, speed, switch, take, turn (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. More information about health is out in our Holiday Planner
2. Irma has been selected to up the role
3. I up the walking a little to get away from there
4. I'm trying to on weight for rugby
5. Othman on to his black horse, and rode off
6. Tom stopped by Jack and the engine off
7. The heating is on only for as long as it takes to dry the washing