39zzzd. VERBOS FRASALES. PHRASAL VERBS (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39zzzd. Choose the right verb to complete the phrasal verb: be, jump, put, speed, switch, take, turn, (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39zzzd. Choose the right verb to complete the phrasal verb: be, jump, put, speed, switch, take, turn, (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. She up until she was almost running
2. Mali civilians vow to up arms against Islamist extremists
3. I've tried and tried to on weight
4. Mr Berrada opened the door and on the bed
5. Jacine often off his heating because of fears of high bills
6. Selim the engine on and swung the Audi out of the car-park
7. The girls back from school and talking in Yacine's bedroom