1Ad. Add “a(n)” or the letter N is no article is necessary (Capítulo I, desde la pág. 11 hasta la pág. 15 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

1Ad. Add “a(n)” or the letter N is no article is necessary (Capítulo I, desde la pág. 11 hasta la pág. 15 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. She spent rather lot of time talking to the person on her left
2. What great meal!
3. They were filled with water
4. Tennis players are usually tall
5. Find happiness with getting older and stop lying about your age
6. After that Wulfric had rather merry time
7. New York is large city
8. My son-in law is pilot
9. Pico was born Spaniard, lived as Mexican and died American
10. It is rather big investment